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Sunday, July 06, 2008'♥

The man has run out of bananas.

See you at the other side, where the grass is much greener.

goodbye, thanks for reading. And thanks... for staring.

luke hugged cali@ 12:08 AM

Friday, July 04, 2008'♥

Life can be a piece of shit when you actually look at it in a different way

There are times when you feel like letting go, but these things called "emotions" and "thoughts" actually holds you back from what you actually are supposed to do. Verily, there are times when you feel like everything has just come against you and the only thing that you can think about is that "this is all bullshit"

Bollocks as the Brits call it.

Screw that shit.

And then there's oops. I know there are some oops members that might so happen and coincidentally stumble onto the this website but it's all bullshit and i'm gonna type what i want. Thing is, there are many times when i felt like just giving it all up and not be involved. As the days goes by, i begin to feel more and more like an alien, even though i've already been inducted into their daily antics and craziness. It's just recently, or is it just me?

There's relationships? And i dont exactly want to touch upon that. Giving up is an often used word so much so it has been abused. Screw that anyways. It's like you're just this close, about an inch close, to just give up and let go everything sometimes. Once again, the editor has no idea what in the world he's writing about.

One inche too late or too early, you never quite make it. One second too late or too early and you'll never be able to regain it ever again. That's where we live. It's the choices you make in that space, in all of the infinite ways that can mean, that ultimately defines you, and the course of your life, through until the end.

luke hugged cali@ 10:45 PM

Thursday, July 03, 2008'♥

It's mummy's birthday today =) And i almost forgot until i went to school and sat past my first lesson. Nonetheless, a simple message did the job =)

Anyhow, i've got a new external harddrive! I've really been wanting to get one but i finally did get it just yesterday - thought that you guys might like to know.

Scored an 86 for mechanics MST. Oorah.

luke hugged cali@ 8:55 PM

Monday, June 30, 2008'♥

He estado sintiendo bastante neutras ultimamente. como, feliz aun triste. divertido aun sarcastico

I feel rather neutral these days. Like, happy yet sad. Funny yet sarcastic.

Like, blessed yet deprived. Full of life yet empty. Full of energy yet weak. Awake yet tired.

It's funny how the antonyms matches to uncannily with each other. Come to think of it, antonyms are not the extreme opposite of something, it just depicts something else that's not like it.

Im getting deep again. Look up and get you pesky little prick.

But sometimes, it does not help to know that not only your classmates are somewhat smart (not insanely, but still, you get the drift right?) yet extremely hardworking and studious. I love planes and stuff like that, but sometimes it takes a little more than just mere passion to achieve something that you set your deary eyes on.

A few years ago, someone (i cant remember who that person was) once told me:

There are times you get stuck in a crossroad, and you've got no idea which way to go. Left or right. Front or back. You're just stuck right in the center, each route separated 90 degrees apart.

That's when you just look up to sky and know that there's someone else up there that helps you chart your routes.

I love this job.

luke hugged cali@ 9:53 PM

Sunday, June 29, 2008'♥

i cant help thinking like an engineer.

Instead of "that's thing is one and a half times bigger"
I'd say "that thing's like 1.5 times it's size man"

Instead of "just times it by 3 and you'll get the answer"
I'd say "just multiply it by 3 and you'll get the answer. And oh, don't forget to plus minus 0.01"

Instead of "Can i upsize my coke please?"
I'd say "Hey, can you integrate more volume to my cup? I'd add in 50cents for that"

Instead of "Let's look at the problem"
I'd say "Let's solve the problem"

Instead of "Refer to the picture below"
I'd say "Refer to Fig. 1.2"

And to those who always mix things up. There's a difference between PI(π) and PHI(Φ).

luke hugged cali@ 9:25 PM

Saturday, June 28, 2008'♥

It's a saturday and my tests are all over =) Waking up to the feeling of no worries can be really quite comforting except for that little braze on my right thigh due to a welding accident i had during Maintenance practical. It was quite serious given the fact that i've burnt a huge hole (See fig. 1.1) in my pants which was, fortunately, about to retire from my closet.

Fig. 1.1 A burnt hole cause by molten aluminum from welding.

For the matter of fact, i was burnt as well. If you take up a 50 cent coin and multiply it by 1.5 it'll give you the approximate size of my wound =) but i've really got to thank the leather apron for "saving" my leg.

As a safety precaution, all of us had to wear a leather apron as leather is hard to burn. So well, when the molten metal dropped onto my leather apron (it stayed there for about 5 secs before i panicked) and i felt my thigh burning so i shifted my leg (before i panicked) and the stupid thing fell into my pants brazing my leg.

If it werent for it, i'd be in the hospital right now, unable to walk. Thank God =)

luke hugged cali@ 10:14 AM

Friday, June 27, 2008'♥


And im beginning to lament if anyone ever reads this web log anymore. No matter man, im just talking to myself in this big world. Got this survey that noelle sent me and i thought it's kinda interesting? Yeah.

Exams are over by the way.

SEVEN THINGS THAT SCARE YOU[ They are not in order.]
1) getting isolated
2) not being able to blend in
3) making friends angry
4) thought of losing someone close to me
5) results
6) exams
7) school work
1)music. it's all in the music man.
2)the internet. lotsa juicy info =)
3)having fun
4)writing stuff and thinking at the same time
5)playing instruments
1) Bed. Aint a room without a bed yes?
2) Computer
3) Handphone
4) ipod shuffle
5) books
6) the cross
7) clothes ;)
1)well, im... random?
2)i used to be super naughty when i was young
3)i love the company of friends
4)the beach would be good too
5)food's the bomb when you're stomach's craving
6)i love having more friends
7)i love people-watching
1)visit spain, usa, japan, korea, taiwan, france, canada, israel and most of all, london, england
3)have friends now whom i can have till i die?
4)do crazy stuff?
5)involve in alot more enriching activities
6)MIT sounds good. real good. but a distant dream as of now.
7)live life to the fullest
1) I can walk
2) I can run
3) I can eat
4) I can talk
5) I can yawn
6) I can drink
7) I can type
1) seriously?
2) serious?
3) umm. YAH!
4) *sarcastic laughter*
5) you want me to come over there and slap you? (when im already standing next to the person)
6) oh sure, that was real funny! see everyone laughing!
7) yeah man. (yeahhhh man. haha)
1) Their smile (that's the first usually)
2) Their looks
3) Their knowledge of alot of things
4) Their ability to laugh alot of things
5) Their eyes.
6) Their jovial-ness
7) Their everything
1) Noelle
2) Cali
3) Mel k.
4) Michelle
5) Luo er
6) Pam?!?!
7) The powerpuff girls
1)Jun Wen
7)Jun Long
1)i dont force people =)
2)i dont force people =)
3)i dont force people =)
4)i dont force people =)
5)i dont force people =)
6)i dont force people =)
7)i dont force people =)

luke hugged cali@ 8:28 PM

The Name's Newton

The name's called Newton. Issac Newton. He was born on the 14th January 1643, and thus it makes him 364 years old this year. He currently resides in Kensington, London, Englang, where, well, that was where he was last seen.

His alma mater was the Trinity College, and he will thoroughly be grateful for all the lessons learnt as he will embark on his journey to be one of the greatest minds that the world has ever seen. Also, he was the "half-creator" of Calculus and many other nonsensical formulas, derivations and not forgetting laws.

In his free time, he has interest physics, mathematics, astronomy, alchemy, and philosophy. Not forgetting, he has invented so many things that have really proved to be useful in our everyday lives. He is also very well known for Newtonian Mechanics, Universal gravitation, Calculus and Optics.

This blog is Newton approved


Blogs Of Note

Damien L.
Jason C.
Jaslyn K.
Jeanette A.
Jess K.
Jethro T.
Norman G.
Pamela C.
S. Ying Ying

Luke H. Page of Musings

For the bored

Fun Stuff
Life's little Mysteries


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  • Thankyou

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